The attacking faction usually gets excommunicated quickly and as a friend of the Papacy, you get to go take some castles from them and even an extra settlement in exchange for peace afterwards. Urban spear and crossbow militia can fight off most sieges easily. Quite soon, one of the close factions, usually Sicily, Venice or the HRE, come and attack you. Toulouse is best, if you can beat Aragon to it, otherwise Lyon.Īfter taking any available nearby rebel settlements, I wait and build up my economy and train spies and assassins. Make an army of just spear and crossbow militia or even just spears and go take a castle. Not long after that, with your first city watch upgrade, you'll get urban crossbow militia, which again outclasses almost every other faction and chews through armored units better than archers. They're cheap, available in all of your settlements and can beat up even on everything at first. The base militia unit for Genoa, the urban spear militia, outclasses most faction starting units including castle units, except for Venice. Genoa has the best starting favor with the Pope, so he'll agree easily. I make an alliance with the Papacy as soon as possible to help forestall them. It can be a bit dangerous, at first, with Venice, the HRE and Sicily close and looking to expand. Even that is survivable and thus exciting. They're all fun in some way, except Kwarezm, which can suck if you hate getting your butt kicked by the Mongols early. I don't know if there really is a "best" faction.